
Brenjo is a nickname I got pegged with when I was performing sketch and improv comedy at The Groundling’s Theater in Los Angeles. I quit acting to take care of my mother who was in her 90’s, and for an artistic outlet, I began painting.

In improvisation there is a concept around the idea of “happy mistakes.” While painting sometimes I  goof up and have to make a huge left turn. The good news is: I am usually delighted with the new direction. Check out the PROCESS page to see what I mean.

My intention for this site is to inspire. If I were to have a theory of art at all, it would be this: Art is endless and eternal. There is no limit to decent ideas – they are as plentiful as the stars in the sky!

The ‘Ten Things’ you see within the BLOG came about when I would email ten things in life I appreciated to some friends and family members – I have taken some of the more salient quips and scattered them throughout the site.

Check back now and then for new GALLERIES.

Consider the words you read on this site completely ephemeral – they are not canon and I may not even believe them true anymore. Here is a short poem about that:
(to be read fast)

no more words to use or abuse

none to coddle or patronize with
done the days of fevered myth
words escape me
cast me down
misrepresent me
make me a clown
totally inadequate
listless and warn
lift me on high
then fill me with scorn
yes, no more words then
you’re on your own
silently chewing an apricot scone